Friday, February 9, 2018

Spring 2018 YouTube playlist

Here is the playlist for our spring concert. Pay particular attention to Zip A Dee Do Da. :)

Click here!

Friday, September 8, 2017

Practice Notes 9/6/17 and YouTube link

Oh, my. I haven't updated this since last November. Oops. Well, I can't really promise I'll do any better this year, but we'll see.

Practice notes from Wednesday:

Far, Far Away on Judea's Plains: This is pretty easy as far as parts go. No reason we can't have it memorized by next week right?

1st Verse: Sopranos begin, 2nds join at "Shepherds of old", all parts on the chorus
2nd Verse: All parts a capella
3rd Verse: Altos begin, 2nds join at "Help us to sing", all parts on chorus
4th Verse: Unison, all parts on chorus

(The above is subject to change according to what Mary Jo wants to do.)

First Noel/Jesus Once of Humble Birth: 

Everyone starts in unison. Break into three parts at measure 22. At measure 74, sopranos take the bottom line an octave up (First Noel), altos sing the top line (Jesus Once), at measure 90, altos return to the bottom line and sopranos back to the top.

With Wondering Awe:

This is a different melody than we are used to, but it's gorgeous! Listen to the YouTube video to get a feel for it.

Sopranos sing soprano
2nds sing alto
1st Alto sing bass line an octave up
2nd Alto sing tenor line

It will be a capella!

What Child is This? We just sight read through this and didn't spend much time.

See the YouTube playlist here for a few of the songs we are doing. Many of them are our own arrangement, so we don't have videos of those.

Friday, November 4, 2016

Don't Panic!

It always seems to me that right about now is when "concert panic" sets in. "What? The concert's in a month?? I'm not ready! I can't learn these songs! Aaaaaahhhh!" Or is it just me? Anyway, my message for today is:

Just keep practicing. The songs are coming together nicely and it's going to be great. :)

Practice notes:

Remember to keep you vowels nice and long. (Aw-le-loo-yaw not aw-LAY-loo-yaw, and is-ra-el not is-rI-el, etc.)

Watch the directors for tempo changes, cut-offs, dynamics, etc. It really helps to free yourself from the music so you can watch the director. :)

If you're struggling with parts, please go over them at home. If you have trouble doing that, call me. I'm serious. I want to help you out. Just a little practice at home can make a big difference.

You all are lovely and wonderful singers and I appreciate all the work you've put in so far! We are going to rock it!

Important dates:
November 22: Practice on Tuesday instead of Wednesday
December 6: Perform at Stonehenge in Springville. Meet at 6:00 to warm up, perform at 6:30 (Concert dress)
December 7: Regular Wednesday rehearsal
December 10: Dress rehearsal 9:00 am--church on Center St. (You don't have to wear your dress.)
December 11: Concert! Meet at 6:00 to warm up. Concert begins at 7:00!

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Practice Helps for Christmas Concert!

Here is a link to the YouTube playlist. It doesn't have all of our songs, but it is helpful. (It includes Joy to the World, so new people, listen to that one a few times. We don't go over it much at practice.)

And here is a link to Wexford Carol. 
Happy practicing!

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Practice Notes 4/20/16

It's crunch time, ladies! Time to work out all the little kinks and get these suckers memorized! Here are a few notes last night from LaNiece:

"Can You Feel the Love": We need to all practice that key change on page 6, and on page 7 at the bottom, second measure, the word "best" we're all on the same note and it's mushy, we need to hit that nice and clear, one voice. The piano will be playing with us.

"Put On a Happy Face" we need to be ready with our entrances and know what the words are, especially with "take off the gloomy..." and "You'll look so good..." We need to watch the director for cut-offs, especially after the word "face" we need that to be clean. Everyone needs to look at, and practice their last note of the piece. Something is "off" and I believe it's the sopranos or 2nd sopranos. Middle of page 5, "Stick out that no-ble chin" - brush up on your notes there. Altos, go over bottom of page 9, into the page-turn to pg. 10 - notes for those first 2 measures need some work.

On "Frozen Heart" page 5, 2nd line down, the Altos need to hold that out until the 2nd measure in, when sopranos sing "fro - zen" and then they come back in with "heart worth min - ing".

"For the First Time in Forever" - On page 7, everyone needs to hit the entrance, 2nd line down, "For years I've roamed" we're not coming in together, and the words aren't clear, especially those first ones. Bottom of page 8, pick-up to page 9, "there'll be MUSIC, there'll be LIGHT" - "Music and Light" come first, then the next time we sing "Magic and Fun". Page 11, 2nd line down, pick-up to 2nd measure, "to dream..." some are coming in too early - WATCH ME; same for the very bottom, last phrase, "at least I've got a chance" some are coming in too early - WATCH ME!

On "Summer" page 22, at the bottom, 2nd measure, "ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-boo" is all even. The timing is almost there, not quite.

"Let it Go" sounds awesome. Sopranos and 2nd Sops, now that we know you have your parts, back off a little more than last night when the Altos carry the melody. You should be a good support, but not overpowering the melody. Altos need to remember to speak "I'm the Queen" really loudly. Altos go over page 15, 1st and 2nd measures, going from that low "F" and moving up to the "G". On the last page, remember to back off on the "Woh oh oh oh oooo....." and fade away.

Don't be discouraged. These are all just fine-tuning things. You all sounded really great last night. It was a good rehearsal. We're in crunch-mode now and you always rise to the occasion. Most of all, we need to have FUN!!!

Thank you everyone! Love you all so much!!!

Enchanted: Don't breath on "match your eyes."

Circle of Life: Lengthen vowels, especially on "place."

Disney: She's in Love: Sopranos and 2nds: watch rhythm on "look, I  think..."
             Watch Marsha for rhythm on "got to be..." at the end

Love Changes Everything: Round out the vowels. Think about the meaning of the words.