Friday, September 8, 2017

Practice Notes 9/6/17 and YouTube link

Oh, my. I haven't updated this since last November. Oops. Well, I can't really promise I'll do any better this year, but we'll see.

Practice notes from Wednesday:

Far, Far Away on Judea's Plains: This is pretty easy as far as parts go. No reason we can't have it memorized by next week right?

1st Verse: Sopranos begin, 2nds join at "Shepherds of old", all parts on the chorus
2nd Verse: All parts a capella
3rd Verse: Altos begin, 2nds join at "Help us to sing", all parts on chorus
4th Verse: Unison, all parts on chorus

(The above is subject to change according to what Mary Jo wants to do.)

First Noel/Jesus Once of Humble Birth: 

Everyone starts in unison. Break into three parts at measure 22. At measure 74, sopranos take the bottom line an octave up (First Noel), altos sing the top line (Jesus Once), at measure 90, altos return to the bottom line and sopranos back to the top.

With Wondering Awe:

This is a different melody than we are used to, but it's gorgeous! Listen to the YouTube video to get a feel for it.

Sopranos sing soprano
2nds sing alto
1st Alto sing bass line an octave up
2nd Alto sing tenor line

It will be a capella!

What Child is This? We just sight read through this and didn't spend much time.

See the YouTube playlist here for a few of the songs we are doing. Many of them are our own arrangement, so we don't have videos of those.

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